Social Events

This committee organizes social events and activities such as the Welcome Back BBQ, the Crawfish Boil, the SPE formal, and any other special events throughout the year. Assigned Co-chairs would be responsible for running certain specific events as deemed fit by the director. This committee will also be tasked with having one D&I event per semester. The Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) events are responsible for raising awareness for and coordinating events that emphasize the importance of D&I advocacy in the energy sector. This involves planning cultural, lingual, and educational events to connect students from different nationalities and dissolve cultural barriers. In addition, this committee is responsible for compiling the annual international students resume book and facilitating a specifically-designed industry mentoring program for international students. 

Social Events Directors

  • Zachary Webb


    T: (210) 667-8957

  • Josh Pena


    T: 210-788-9101

Join a Committee

The best way to get involved and take full advantage of TAMU-SPE is to become a member of one of our 22 committees.

We have great leadership opportunities for those who want to get involved!